The Spirit Body


These are the different types of Biblical Angels. They all have different duties and strengthens. Look each of them up to learn their similarities and differences.

We are in physical bodies having spiritual experiences. The spiritual realm is where everything in our physical life begins and ends. Our spirit lives in the spiritual realm along with angelic spirits and demonic spirits. These two are constantly at war with each other to get the grand prize. Which is you! Our spiritual body’s health is the most important part of our physical life, because it’s the most valuable. I want to bring to your attention the fact that our spirit body is as real as our natural body, and our spirits are always awake, alert, fighting, and battling even when we are asleep. Considering that there are things constantly happening to us and around us in the spiritual realm. The things we see now will soon be gone , but the things we cannot see will last forever. The spirit realm is eternal, formless, transcendental, and limitless. The unique thing about it is that our future is it’s past. The spiritual realm stands outside of time. Meaning the will for our life is already perfectly written. 

Every good thing has a day and time to be given to us. Each want and need is already met. Before you were knitted in your mothers womb you saw everything and agreed to this life. Yet, the only option now is to confidently wait for it to come to pass. Of course, in the natural world we are oblivious to this because in our lives it doesn’t seem like it, look like it, or even feel like it. Then, the complaining and contradicting starts, halting the gifts and the perfect plans we have in store. Our words create life or death for our spirit. Our words create worlds. If you want to locate your spirit, just listen to the words you speak.

The words you speak.

These are just a few of the demons that try to plague the earth. Some of theses are the faces behind the horrifying headlines on the news and the local news papers.

Along with our choice of words, what we come into agreement with in our everyday lives determine what spirits come into our life. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed everyday. Everything, everyone, and everyone of our dreams has a spirit controlling it. What spirits are renewing you everyday, The Spirit of Light or the spirits of darkness? Having the ability to discern spirits is powerful for this very reason. Coming into agreement with spirits looks like praying, worshiping Elohim, speaking in your heavenly language, reading the Good Book, self reflecting, going to therapy, meditating on pure things, self-love, listening to toxic music, watching demonic movies, smudging, celebrating pagan holidays, lusting on social media, worrying, watching porn, astrology, gossiping, complaining, fear, fornication, and the list goes on. We can also tap into our spiritual body through our dreams. Coming into agreement with spirits appears differently in our dreams. It could look like you kissing someone, having sex with someone, shaking a persons hand, being chased by dogs/cats, eating and waking up fearful. These are signs you never want to see, because an evil spirit is upon you. Our dream life is just as important as oxygen. Dreams are gateways for spiritual- physical signs and warnings. Once you come into agreement with them, they have full authority to abuse and oppress you or guide and correct you.  

Everyday & night permission is granted to one side or the other. What you regularly give your attention to and what your normally entertained by, will easily reveal what side you’re connected most to.   What do you allow to walk through the door of your heart? What do you let live in your heart? Are you here to uplift, forgive, and spread love or do you live for the drama, the bag and lustful things? Yet, transformation of the heart can only be done by The Power of Light “Holy Spirit”. Our hearts will eventually stop beating, but our spirits have the honor to live forever. Every agreement you make affects your heart, thus your heart determines your decisions, and your decisions dictates the places your spirit will see.  Above all else, guard your heart because everything you do flows from it.

Either, we do not know these things or we often forget. Unfortunately, getting so wrapped up on how our physical body looks and feels, we often leave our spiritual body disheveled. There’s spirit bodies out there that are distraught and lest astray. For instance, some are chained down, others are surrounded with dark clouds, some dressed with evil spirits, and others are headed in the wrong direction. The reason may be because these dark spirits were passed down from past generations. Generational curses are not just cycles and patterns, they are diversions to keep your spirit out of alignment with purpose. Demonic spirits are the puppeteer’s keeping bloodlines in cycles and patterns to bring each of them to an early demise. Family members maybe unaware of this and live out these cycles to their last breathe. Your bloodline can be freed from these endless cycles if you address them as what they truly are. Evil spirits! You can change the trajectory of your bloodline by cleansing your spirit body before the next generation starts. Just like generational curses are passed down, generational blessings are too.  

The Seven Holy Virtues is what you fight evil with. However, it can only be done with the help of Holy Spirit.

All hours of the day, our fight isn’t up against people in traffic, the government, police, music, and culture, our fight is up against these vile spirits using them. They are determined to kill, steal, and destroy every good thing that is and will happened on this plant. Satan, is the prince of this world. So, when corrupt, horrible, disgusting things appear, know there is a demonic spirit present. Therefore, think and fight differently. You cannot fight evil spirit beings with physical weapons. You must come into agreement with The Spirit of Light, who has already won the battle for you. The only thing that can overcome darkness is The Light. He is a gentleman and waits for permission to enter hearts. This makes me think of the man with a legion of demons, over 2,000, inside of him which shows us the capacity of evil spirits one mans spirit can take. It also shows us how much love, and light our spirit can take. So let’s not give pride, envy, sloth, limbo, greed, lust, and unforgiveness (etc.) room in our heart, because they all have a special place in misery for all who allows them to live in them.  

Some hearts are harden and are so far from The Light, that conviction can’t even pierce their heart. The spirit of unforgiveness and The spirit of pride (Leviathan) are the two most powerful dark spirits that will kill The Light inside of you. So please, at the very least forgive everyone that hurt you and overcome your patterns of pride. At any point, our life can be taken at unexpectedly. Free your spirit from all spiritual bondage by turning down your plate to fast and pray. It is the only way to detach from all levels of demonic power. Protect your spirit body by rebuking bad dreams and claiming the peaceful ones. Your spiritual body needs your attention too. Let’s make sure our bodies, physical bodies and spiritual bodies, are always in tip top shape by asking Holy Spirit to protect and guide us all the days of our life.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Will you be a demon slayer or a demon lair?  

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