Love your Neighbor


“Love your neighbor” is a popular phrase because we should never forget to be nice to the people in our community. As you can tell by how people often interact with each other, everyone doesn’t live by it. Ironically, it could be because it’s not taught in its whole context. This saying comes from the bible verse “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Like if you’re being nice but not as nice as you would be to yourself. Save it! How you treat others reflect how you treat yourself. As well as, how you treat yourself reflect how you treat others. Which proposes the question “How can you love anything else, if you can’t even love yourself?” Which brought me to this realization, we were given dominion and power over the realms of the earth, but because of our lack of self-love we selfishly abused it. Sadly, as a whole we have lost empathy for all the individuals (all creation) that have been affected by the damage we have caused to our planet. 

For a moment, let’s take it back to the story of creation. Elohim created night & day on the first day, He separated the sky from heaven on the second day, then land, vegetation, & sea on the third day, the sun and moon came on the fourth day, the great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries, flies and swarms the water came alive on the fifth day, then He created man from the DUST OF THE EARTH on the sixth day, and he rested in ahh of His works on the seventh day. Knowing this is how the world was created, I have hopes to reduce further damage by broadening our perspective on what “neighbor” in that verse means. When it says love your neighbor, It means the people living next to you of course, but why stop there, include the plants, insects, & animals residing next to you as well. All creation should be considered, since they are alive and breathing just like us. Loving, respecting and protecting every individual existing on Earth is the least we can do. Birds of every kind, every small or massive thing that scurries the land, every wild animal, and every thing that swarms the seas.

We share this world with over 8.7 million different species. The same way Elohim spent time creating us, He took His time creating each of them as well. All creations has been placed here with a unique calling and motive. Every living thing on Earth’s surface is divinely placed here for a higher purpose. A reason bigger than you and me. Without them, we cannot survive. It doesn’t make since to me why we kill and destroy their lives. How you treat them is a reflection of how you see yourself. We are all connected. We need every individual for the circle of life and the food chain to maintain balance.  

In 2020 alone, 15 plants & animals were declared extinct. These massive extinctions will lead to the extinction of us next. We have no one to blame but ourselves. The planet is losing an estimated 137 species of plants, animals, and insects daily due to deforestation. Not only are they losing their homes, protection, food source, and their lives. We are losing the cures for cancers, superfoods, and decades of wisdom. Ecosystems are being murdered and know one even bats an eye. Once we lose nature we lose our refuge to connect to our Source. The state of the world is in trouble. We have to acknowledge the part we played in this and do our best to reverse the damage. 

*We can start by becoming aware of the ecosystems around us. *Get to know nature by spending time observing the individuals surrounding you. *Make it personal by learning the names of the people, plants and animals that you often see. *Plant seeds that are native to your region to bring back pollinators like butterflies and bees. *Minimize your waste by switching to sustainable and eco-friendly household products. *Stop using harsh chemicals out side of your house. *Educate your children about where their food comes from, to ignite love for Earth at an early age. *Find practical ways to reduce your carbon foot print. *Plant trees. *Replace regular light bulb with compact fluorescent ones. *Unplug electronic devices that aren’t being used. * Adjust thermostat 2 degrees down in winter and 2 degrees up in summer. *Use less hot water. *The best way to initiate change is to lead by example. (#rippleeffect) Let’s start the wave and never forget that we were created from the dust of the Earth. Stay connected to her by loving your neighbors of every kind.

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