Love You for You


Unintentionally we can get sucked up in the opinions of people we do not know. Only doing things for the approval of family and friends. Going out of our way to be loved by people we think we need. Turning to doctors to label our sicknesses and problems. On top of all of that, we do things for people that we would never do for ourselves. We put our worth in someone else’s hands. Complications within ourselves pop up when we love others before loving ourselves. This way of thinking causes people to feel like they must get what they need from someone else or they need to possess more things to become worthy. In reality, you are born with everything you will ever need in this life. If you do not have it right now, you do not need it. Our worth was predetermined as worthy by God at birth. We must be grateful for everything we are, and have at every moment. We are not raised from this perspective, so it can be difficult to believe. Loving you for you is the first step to change this perspective. 

The next step is simple, ask yourself the motive behind everything you do. Are you doing things out of love for yourself or for the love and praise of others? For example, are you working out to be as healthy as you can be for yourself or just to be attractive to others? Both are good reasons to work out, but one is self-honoring and the other is not. When we identify our motives behind what we do, we can reflect on why we do not always honor ourselves and put ourselves first. The one that does not take time to self-reflect is the villain behind, if not most, all their problems. Your powerful super hero is you. 

A peculiar way to love you for you, is to start thinking about yourself on a microscopic level. Doing this will give much more respect and appreciation for existing on this planet. This is because everything is always seen in its whole form, on a macro level, that we forget about the small intricate parts that make it up. If a sample is taken from any part of the body, placed on a slide, and put under a micro scope, we would see trillions of cells coexisting with each other. Working seamlessly to create and maintain you.  

We somehow forget that there is an entire world living inside of us. Cells of various kinds all work together ,25/8, to keep us safe, well and resilient. Since birth, every cell in your body has been called and equipped to do what it is designed to do. Every cell carries life force energy as well as natural intelligence. Cells can run away from danger, reproduce, eat, communicate, and adapt to their environment just like us. Our most important similarity is that our cells answer to a higher power. They must answer and obey everything you say. We are God to our cells. 

Just like plants response to positive and negative words/energy, so do our cells. They hear everything you say about yourself and make whatever you said so. Loving yourself down to every cell is how we get a breakthrough in our health and loving ourselves. If you are a person that is not nice to yourself, think of it this way, nobody wants you to prosper more than you (your cells) do. When you are mean to yourself, you disrespect the very thing that is working to keep you alive. Therefore, when you are sick, sad or your body is going through something, encourage, support, and thank your cells for their contribution to your life. Speak life over yourself by saying affirmations to your body every day. This level of self-love will create space for loving you for who you really are.  

No one on any level should be able to tell you more about you than you. If they try to, they are wrong because they are not with you as much as you are with you. You should be so in tune with your body that you know exactly what your body is trying to communicate to you. When something is wrong, you can look back and see the choices you made that led up to it. Your cells, soul, and authentic self, have the answers to every question. Always look within first.  

Build trust within yourself by doing things that are rewarding to the body’s cells. Spend quality time with yourself by doing things like stretching your muscles, challenging yourself physically, getting 8 hours of sleep, being creative, eating lots whole foods, drinking decent amounts of water, reading personal development books, and taking dietary supplements everyday. Before pointing a finger at someone else for your problems. Evaluate where you are not showing up for yourself. We change the world by first changing ourselves, because everyone around us is a reflection of us. When you love you for you, you give the people around you the opportunity to love themselves for them. 

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