This day and age unhealthy posture has become one of the hottest trends. Bad posture has officially become the norm in today’s society. All because we are constantly looking down at electronic devices (Text Neck). We are in this position so much, that even when we are not on an electronic device we are still in this position. And we wonder why our life is the way it is. Before 1950 healthy posture was intensely studied, and was only taught to the wealthy. Back then they understood that healthy balanced posture was necessary to live a pain free vibrant life. Good posture has not been the same since then. Could horrible posture be one of the reasons why the world can be such a horrible place?
The answer is yes because how you see the world is your personal perception. How our eyes see the horizon is how our posture will behave. For example, if our head has a tilt, our body will reorganize so that we see the horizon straight. So when we live our lives in this new closed off posture, the way we see ourselves and interact with the world is off. Also on a physiological level our cells and organs have a tuff time operating as well. At this point, the lungs cannot completely fill with air and the digestive tract cannot properly digest food because all the organs are piled up over each other. Along with that, in this closed off posture we are more likely to think negatively about others and ourselves. It is easy to think of all the horrible things that happened in the past. Or get anxious about how things could go wrong in the future. Our negative moods, emotions, thoughts, and low self-esteem will never end in this posture. Also, this could be the reason you have trouble sleeping through the night, or why you have chronic headaches or why you have nagging pain in certain areas.

In this slumped over posture, imbalances of muscles occur. Some muscles are contracting and other are stretching, to keep stable in this unstable position. Over time this dysfunction can creates Scoliosis or even Upper Cross Syndrome. While that is going on, the front of the body is becoming stronger because its consistently pulling the shoulders forward. This leaves the back of the body no choice but to lengthen and become weak. During this imbalance, the body will adapt and compensate to the changes in tone of the structure of the spine.
The structure of the spine dictates its function. Our spinal structure is designed to have 3 beautiful curves. When these curves are present, the mind and body operate perfectly together. Healthy balanced posture looks like ears over shoulders, shoulder over hips, and hips over ankles. This opens up the chest, heart, and ribs to fully experience your surroundings. You instantly become more attractive, approachable and radiant to others. This open posture perks up moods, thoughts, emotions, and confidence. Breathing is deeper, food is digested more effectively, and muscles are not as tight, so sleep is better at night. It even slows down aging of the spine.

Open posture becomes attainable when you are aware of how your body is in space. Ask your self ” Am I open or closed off right now?” No matter what you are doing (sitting or standing) lead with your heart, and the right posture will naturally come. This is the perfect position to love on ourselves and others. This open posture allows us see the world through the lens of love and forward-thinking. This will organically gravitates positivity and gifts of life to you. The phrase “Lead with Your heart” can guide you mentally and physically.
I know it is easier said than done, bad posture is so easy to drift back to. This is because our subconscious mind is controlling it not us. Unintentionally, we go back to this posture because it is how our body has adapted to see the world. No matter how hard we try, we always end up back slumped over. The only way to fights this is to reset the neurology in our brain. This can be done with an eye exercise. It is super quick and easy! Here is how in 3 simple steps:
Before you start, I want you to notice any pain you may be experiencing and rate it 1-10. If you don’t have any pain its okay.
Now let’s begin
First, grab a pen and draw a line on the tip of your dominate hand’s index finger
Second, bring that finger about 5 inches away from your eye.
Third, start drawing clockwise circles in front of your eye for 30 to 45 sec. Both eyes should be following the line on your finger.
* Make sure you do not go higher than your mid forehead, or no lower than your mid nose. Also stay within the borders of your face.*
Once done, rate that same pain again and be amazed by improvements.
Do this every day for 30 seconds 3 times a day. Along with this eye exercise, chiropractic adjustments, chest opening yoga poses, stretching chest/strengthening back muscles, and bringing electronic devices eye level will dramatically help and improve your posture. Comment below your experience with the exercise and share it with everyone you know. Remember to 1st lead with your heart and everything else will follow.
Click Here to view the full eye exercise video!!