

Holistic living

A holistic view of life comes down to consistently making healthy choices, for your body, mind, & spirit, Always choosing whats best for you. Slowly incorporate these things into your everyday life and watch how your body positively respond to these new healthy habits 🙂

Get Natural Sun Light

Sun bathing for at least 5 mins a day will naturally increase your Vitamin D levels. Along with that, it fights against depression, improves quality of sleep, boost immunity, balances circadian rhythm, and improves the body’s metabolism. Being in the sun can be harsh when over done, but the right amount does wonders for the body. Unlike florescence light which is always toxic to our nervous system, lungs and kidneys. While taking a break from artificial light, soak up some sun rays as you ground, move your body and connect to nature. The sun shining bright is a depiction of your soul.

Walk Barefoot On Natural Ground

Walking barefoot in nature absorbs earth's free flowing electrons from her surface through the soles of your feet. Flush negative energies, toxins, and waste out of your pores, and recycle it back into earth by relaxing barefoot in grass, sand or dirt. Doing this with deep breaths for at least 8 mins will reduce stress, pain, & inflammation in your body. It improves sleep, wound healing, cellular repair/function, and strengthens foot muscles. Most importantly, it balances the nervous system and restores the body to it's natural state. Give it a try and thank me later 😉

Drink Alkaline Water

Alkaline water has a high pH of 8 or 9. This high pH level helps fight the high acidity level in our body by neutralizing it. Naturally, it houses magnesium and calcium, which maintains excellent bones & heart health. It also increases energy level, slows the aging process, and helps us better absorb nutrients from our food better. It is super hydrating for cells, body, skin, and helps flush toxins out of our liver & kidneys. Alkaline water is the best water stores offer. You may have to spend a little extra, but that's a part of always wanting the best for yourself.

Eat Whole Foods Daily

Food is our medicine! Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables daily will be nourishment to your body system's cells. Fruits and veggies come in all different forms like; chips, juice, smoothies, dried, cooked and raw. Take your pick! Eating whole foods gets you plenty of nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber in your diet, which improves your overall health. A healthy gut is the cornerstone to a disease free life. Stay away from food in bags, cans, boxes and any food or candy that contains red dye. I suggest getting vegan or vegetarian cook books to learn how to make your whole foods nice and tasty. Check out the Mediterranean Diet and the Blood Type Diet

Get Under Chiropractic Care ASAP

Over the years, Chiropractic has changed/saved many human's and animal's lives from being miserable. All b/c getting adjusted regularly ensures that the central nervous system has no interruptions in its brain to body communication. This allows the body to self regulate and heal it's self on its own. No need for pills, radiation or surgeries. Interruptions that are not removed will cause miscommunication between the brain and body leading to life treating diseases. Chiropractic care is best described as preventative care. Find an office that will take care of your spine and feels like family. Prevent pain, subluxations, sickness, and disease by scheduling a chiropractic appointment today. Bring all your friends and family. prim

Drop Awareness Out The Mind& Into The Body

Your body loves your attention! So take your attention off of your thoughts or worries and bring your attention to feeling your body. From the inside, feel your hands, feet, arms, and legs. For example ask yourself "Where are my toes ? You may feel tingles or even nothing at all. Feel with out judgment. Keeping your attention in the body, keeps you anchored to the present moments. There is infinitely more intelligence in being in your body than in your mind. Feeling will get you closer to the truth of who you are than thinking. Don't just live in your head, live with your whole body. Practicing this throughout the day and right before bed helps you fall asleep quicker, slows down aging of cells, and increases consciousness.

Unclench Your Jaw

Racing thoughts are almost always accompanied by a clenched jaw. Clenching your jaw adds fuel to whatever emotions or thoughts going through your mind at the time. Once you relax your jaw, a ripple effect of relaxed muscles manages to lower the heart rate and makes you pause to take a deep breath. Throughout our days stress, fear, and anxiety can cause the muscles in the jaw to tighten. Which is why our day seems more stressful than it actually is. Also check when trying to fall asleep at night. A clenched jaw can keep your thoughts racing all night. To not constantly feel overwhelmed or stressed, simply remember to unclench your jaw to lighten up your days and nights.

Take Dietary Supplements

Vitamin deficiencies have been a thing for centuries now. The American diet lacks the essential vitamins and minerals our bodies crave to thrive. laking Dietary Vitamins (A,8,C,D,E,K} and Supplements daily will ensure that we have the proper nutrients no matter what you eat. Each vitamin serves a different body system and a different purpose. So it's best to look up the benefits of each vitamin to see what you may be deficient in. I have found that Partner.co has the best and credible vitamins and supplements. Check on their Nutrifiiâ„¢ Renew and Nutrifiiâ„¢ Moaâ„¢

20 Mins Of Mindful Movement A Day

Mindful movement is placing all of your attention on the movements of your body, while you’re breathing. You can do this with any body moving activity. Dancing, stretching, Pilates, weight training, cardio, walking, mobility exercises, etc. The movements can be as simple as rolling each of your joints in circles (the brain loves circles). Along with that, moving your body in the natural ranges of motion also help. These practices strengthens the mind-body connection. Our body, discs, joints and ligaments need motion to thrive. Most importantly our mind needs motion to release bound feelings and emotions.

Sadly, many of us live 90% of our day seated and motionless.Change the game with at least 20 min of mindful movement to keep the aches and pains away.

Pick A Day Of Rest

Pick one day of the week to be your day of rest. On this day do nothing, but allow your body to rest and reset. No work of any kind!! This day is a break from all your routines and responsibilities. Sleep in, catch up on enjoyable things, call someone you haven't talk to in awhile, play with your dog or kids, or stay in bed all day. Only things allowed on this day is to breathe, pause and slow down. Tune into your body to see what kind of rest is best for each day. Practicing this each week will eliminates mental and physical burnout, elevates your uniqueness, fills your love tank, makes you a priority, brings you closer to God, and brings great blessings to you and everyone around you. Days of rest makes you your best.