The Heart & Its Deceit


The heart is the worldwide symbol for love. Often known as the seat of emotions, the heart is synonymous with affection. Our affections, feelings and emotions change at the drop of a hat. Yet we encourage each other to let how you feel have the final say in everything we do. What do we tell people who are at cross roads and are afraid of making the wrong decision? “Follow your heart”! However, the thing we never admit is that following your heart does not always lead down the divine path for their life. Of course, all things work out for the good, but why delay the good things in store for your life? Society tricks us by teaching us that we should have whatever we want no matter the cost. Yet, they unsuccessfully warn us of the consequences of our emotionally driven decisions that just feed our temporary satisfaction. The heart flaunts in our faces a distorted view of reality that blinds us to the truth we are seeking. Following the heart without logic or truth will always lead you astray. The heart misleads with provisional feelings and emotions that only fulfill selfish desire and motives. Using the heart to make permeant life decisions is never wise. The heart exposes false truth in us, because wherever your heart is, your treasure will be there also. 

 The heart only tells us what we want to hear in those major moments. It never gives spiritual truth or the reality behind our expectations, feelings, motives, and emotions. No matter the situation, the heart will make sure the decisions made please the ego to try to protect from challenges. Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet, once said “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”  This is because our feelings are tied to the amygdala, the emotional section of the brain. Without self-reflection and acknowledging reality, our feelings cause us to make extremely poor choices, which directly affects how our life unfolds. The flip side of following your heart is following your gut instinct. 

That gut feeling, the sixth sense, hunch, intuition, or discernment, is the sudden flash of insight from deep within that inspires faith. The saying “trust your gut” refers to trusting these insightful feelings of intuition. This is the best way to stay true to yourself at every hectic point of your life. Trusting your gut means following the physical feelings your body gives that you are making the right or wrong decision. These are feelings of intuition that occur when the neurons in the gut communicate with those in the brain. The gut instinct comes often as a response to immediate situations. It is an internal discerning GPS that helps, directs, and protects us from what we cannot see. 

Your intuition is a spirit, that goes by the name Holy Spirit. He is an invisible friend that sticks closer than every clingy pet. His presence is best described as the wind: you cannot see Him, but you can feel Him. Just like the wind blows trees and leaves, we cannot see the wind but there is proof that it is there. His spirit is here to comfort us, advocate for us, direct our steps, protect our spiritual and physical bodies, give us wisdom and understanding, and help us discern good from evil. He fills voids with His love and spiritual truth that surpasses all understanding. He speaks in a still small voice that convicts and instructs us to do or not do something. Anyone who accepts and listens to Holy Spirit has the same power Jesus had while He was on earth. The Power to heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise people from the dead. This same power gives access to unlock so many more divine spiritual gifts. Having The Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, is proof that the Holy Spirit presence in there. Having all of those and noticing them in other people helps identify the right people to trust. Having the of works the flesh: hate, despair, anxiety, impatience, rudeness, unreliability, abrasiveness, and being undisciplined is proof the heart is the guide and they are desperately wicked. 

Having the fruits of the spirit or the works of the flesh is a choice. Jesus physically left the earth so that we would know His Spirit personally by choosing to accept the gift of His spirit to dwell inside of us. He wants us to be powerful and intricately connected to Him until He returns to earth. So, if you have no experience with your intuition or have trouble keeping the Fruit of The Spirit, it is a sign that the Holy Spirit is no longer in you. You have followed your heart to the point where you have lost connection with your internal spiritual GPS. Build your relationship with Holy Spirit and intuitive sense, by recognizing His importance in your life and by trusting His still small voice or gut feeling by obeying it. Give Him permission to be your clingy best friend! He can use your heart when it is filled with His Truth. Without Him trusting your heart will cause more than just problems. Trusting your gut intuition over your heart will keep you in the perfect will for your life. 

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