Trained Souls


We have 3 parts; body, spirit, and soul. God created our body from the dust of the earth and breathed His Breath of Life, His Spirit, into us. Because our bodies were made from the earth, we need to sustain them with things of the earth, like food, air, and water. The Spirit comes from God and is only sustained with intimacy with Him. It is our authentic self. It knows why we are here, our next steps, and the why behind what we go through. All things are possible for The Spirit, because It is the core of who we are. It has and will exist for eternity. Without a Spirit there is no life. Our Spirit gives life to the Soul. Yet, the Soul comes from our past experiences, influence from others, and things that you were taught growing up. The Soul makes decisions based off past experiences. When our Spirit and Soul operates as one, life is exciting, effortless, and fulfilling. You will love yourself, everyone, and everything around you. Yet, The Soul must to submit to either earthly things or things of The Spirit. 

The Soul has 3 parts; mind, will and emotions. Mind the thinker, will the doer, and the emotion part determine what we think or do. What you think and believe is major for the soul. As a man thinketh so is he. This is why God wants to change our perspective on Him and ourselves. Simply because, our perspective/paradigm set limits on what we can do and see in the physical world. Our soul wants to be free from our paradigm, pervious heart traumas, and the habits of this world. Renew your mind to transform into a new consciousness so your soul can reach new heights.

When there is a soul problem (anxiety, judgment, depression, stress & worry) it will effect all 3 parts of the soul. How do you deal with pressure? Do you turn to earthly things (sex, alcohol, drugs, food, or money) to find peace? If so, these things activate a dopamine release in your brain causing a false sense of peace in your soul. This is you training your soul to submit to earthy things. Which will manifest the desires of the enemy through your physical body. Because what you do with your soul will program your physical body. You have come into agreement with death, addiction, and destruction.  This leaves the body, soul, and spirit as easy prey for the enemy. Every time you give into these earthy pleasures/desires it makes the hole in your soul bigger and bigger. (Your Soul needs saving but your Spirit does not.)

 Or do you deal with pressure by turning to things of The Spirit (the Prince of Peace)to find peace? The only way to receive true peace is through Jesus Christ. Train your soul to cry out to Him about whatever is going on. Tell Him your fears and worries so He can replace them with peace and a sound mind. “Your worthy God and You are all I need.” You have now created space for God to fill that hole in your soul with everlasting peace. When we train our soul to submit to things of The Spirit, the brain creates neuron pathways that connect us to heavenly places. You come into agreement with life and abundance. This is how your Soul and Spirit become one. The more you connect with Him, the more He will heal your soul, and replace lies with Truth. This sanctification will allow your soul to flow naturally to where it is designed to be. This is what happens when The Spirit leads and The Soul submits. 

 Quiet your flesh so your soul can lead you to all the places that have been set out for you. Life has no limits when you trust God and let your spirit lead your soul.

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